

Are the Blood Alcohol results in your case? What factors can affect the BAC? Are there drugs-situations that raise BAC? Do you need an expert that can analyze all the factors in your case and assist in your defense? There are many factors to consider in defense cases such as: Environment, What else is present in area, Medication,...

Fire investigation is a forensic discipline that requires attention to detail and a systematic approach to make a scientifically sound determination of the cause, origin, and behavior of a blaze. We provide our clients a professional analysis based on years of experience in investigation and examination of fire scenes. Speckin Forensic Laboratories is an International...

During the last five years, there have been exponential advances in technology and with the advent of the Internet; computers have become pervasive in everyday life. As a result, digital data in some form or another will be critical to most types of civil litigation and criminal proceedings. The tools for conducting forensic examinations have...

Ink Dating is done in two primary forms. The first is the static approach, which determines when the ink being examined was manufactured. The second is the dynamic approach, this method is to determine when the writing occurred, or in simple terms, how long the ink has been on the paper. The static approach is...

During the last five years, there have been exponential advances in technology and with the advent of the Internet; computers have become pervasive in everyday life. As a result, digital data in some form or another will be critical to most types of civil litigation and criminal proceedings. The tools for conducting forensic examinations have...

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy7EotfmYtSl8bUX01W6Dmw Subscribe and watch archived and new videos posted to the Speckin Forensics YouTube Channel by clicking on the the Channel link. Interviews, Forensics Techniques and News Specials with Erich Speckin and other staff members highlighting Speckin Forensics!